Friday, June 03, 2005

Nostalgia is a funny thing

I am so guilty of wading around in nostalgia. I am definitely a wallower. Thinking back to times and places that have long since departed and dredging up the past is my speciality, it seems. The things that have disappeared from my life, the people that have changed or that I no longer have contact with, but are stuck in a moment in my personal history, seem touched with gold somehow, and all the more special because, well, they just are no longer. They no longer exist because new people and events have taken their places. Life continues to move forward at an alarming pace.

Just think, these very moments, these moments in which I am typing this blog will one day become pure nostalgia to me. I will look back and think: "What great fun it was to blog in those days." and "Wasn't it great when I had lots of clients and boring annual reports to design"? and... "Wasn't it great when I had to drive the kids to the pool six times a day for swim practice." "It was the best, when I went to the gym and sweated my brains out on the treadmill every other day."

Seriously, I will think this! I will think that this was a wonderful time that I will never get back again. And, whenever I hear the Paola and Chiara song "Amoremidai" my eyes will well up with tears and I will remember the spring of 2005 and think, "where did it go"? Did I really appreciate it as much as I should have when I was living through it? The answer is probably not. But, that is the beauty of nostalgia for me, I guess. Through nostalgia, I get to re-live it all later, and really remember how wonderful it was.


At Friday, June 03, 2005, Blogger Pseudo-intellectual lunatic said...

Great blog.....keep it up!


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