Friday, September 16, 2005

The kissey girls

Ahhh, to be young and in second grade again! Remember those days when boys and girls played on the play ground together; little girls clustered together on one side and little boys on the other? Usually the little girls, bored to sit idely by and swing on swings or slide down slides, would resort to the lowest form of attention grabbing ploys - that of kicking boys in the shins. Such demonstrative actions inevitably would set off the obligatory screaming race around the playground until the bell rang sending them all back to their respective classrooms. Early attempts at flirting and seduction, learned in Playground 101.

My son came home today to tell me that he had formed a club on the playground today. Turns out, quite naturally, that it is an all boys club. He said it was necessary to band together with the "other Kyle, and Brett in order to combine forces to deal with the "Kissey Girls". The "Kissey Girls" I asked. Whoah! Hold on there son! The KISSEY GIRLS! What is this all about. And moreover, where did they come up with a name like that!? Turns out, Kaiela and Tarin and a few others have an all girls group of their own. They send "spies" out to spy on Kyle and his friends during recess. In order to combat this, the boys are closing ranks, circling up the wagons and preparing for... okay, I am at a losss, what!!??!

Give it up little men, your battle is already lost! You haven't the slightest hope of evading the wiles of a female, even if she is only seven years old.


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