Cartwheels, rollerskating and standing on your head
This morning Kyle took time out from eating breakfast and started spontaneoulsy turning cartwheels in the living room. We all looked at him a little dumb founded as he performed his amazing gymnastic routine. Then my husband, after cautioning him forcefully not to crash into the tv, said that he thought that Kyle was the only one in the family that could do that so well. And then I said, "but I can do that too", and proceeded to turn a couple of cartwheels in front of the family, much to Kyle's great delight and my husband's disbelief! When I was a little I used turn cartwheels all day long on the front lawn. I turned a cartwheel this morning, and I liked that I still could.
This afternoon we went roller skating. Kyle had never been. Half way around the rink the first time, after falling down five or six times, he screamed out, this stinks! But, he didn't give up and by the end of the first half hour, he was proficiency on wheels. I joined him skating around and around and around, trying to maintain my equilibrium, balance and of course, grace. I had forgotten how freeing and how mindlessly entertaining roller skating can be. I didn't work or worry about paying bills this afternoon, and I liked how that felt.
On the way home from the roller rink I asked the kids, "what can we do now to top cartwheels and rollerskating". "How about standing on our heads?", one of the boys giggled. Okay, so we gave it a try. Looking at the world upside down was fun. The floor became the ceiling and the ceiling became the floor. My head started to hurt a bit and I got a little dizzy, but, I viewed the world from a new angle, and I liked what I saw.
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