Thursday, October 06, 2005

Did you see the lights?

Talk to me! Who out there is loving the new ABC drama "Invasion"?

On Wednesday nights, I am usually back from mid-week cubscout meetings and am folding laundry by 10 pm, just in time to get drawn into the shifty goings on down in south Florida in the new show "Invasion". You just know, that when you see mysterious lights, seemingly unaffected by the gale-force winds, floating near the water, in the middle of the everglades... it must be the work of extraterrestrials!

When the show first premiered two weeks ago, I was randomly flipping dials following real-time hurricane coverage down in Texas. At the time, I was incredulous that the show premiered its first episode with the story line of a major hurricane barreling down on Florida. Art imitating reality seemed a little intense at the time, but then, T.V folk can be so sensitive. But, I have to admit that I'm a sucker for aliens and intrigue and got hooked after the first episode. The characters are pretty melodramatic and fun to follow. There is the hunky dad, trying to make sense of all the weird goings on along with his reporter wife, not to mention the scary looking doctor and her creepy looking sherif husband. I have a theory that the shifty looking sherif is hiding something sinister and has already had a date or two with some of the aliens swimming around in the everglades. Time and ratings will tell.

So, what if perceived natural disasters were really diversions created to conceal clandestine alien activities? Kind of makes you want to re-think the whole weather thing lately, doesn't it? Doo do doo do! Tune in next week to see who falls into the water and goes alien!


At Wednesday, May 17, 2006, Blogger konus said...

Yeah... the lights are shining !



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