A bright spot in an otherwise crummy day
It has been one of those days. I keep getting derailed constantly. I have a ton of work to do and when I start to focus on one thing, something else distracts me from my true purpose. Like right now, I am waiting for an incredibily large file to open. I sit staring at my screen thinking it is going to pop open at any moment. But, it doesn't and the "updating imported image" bar doesn't seem to be moving across the screen at all. While I wait, I blog.
My day has been hampered by a myrid of server glitches and equipment hiccups, and it just hasn't been a whole lot of fun. I changed printer cartridges this morning, so of course that set me back an hour while the printer learned to talk to the computer again, causing me to fret and freak out like I did last week when my internet suddenly went down. I never learn to be rational and remember that these things always do manage to come back and function again. I become paranoid and frantic to solve the the problem at hand, and work extra hard to get everything back into working order as soon as possible. I wish I could be a little more laid back and easy going, but I'm not.
My intention to start a web design today was delayed when I got a call from another client with some urgent requests. This is a client that inevitably calls me the morning that I am about to depart on vacation or the day before Christmas with a hot project that needs to be tended to. But, she is bright, full of ideas and generous to a fault. I love her and I have learned to deal with her unexpected distractions.
Today was also the first day of Gator swim practices, which means that car pooling on a regular interval has begun to the pool and back, three times over. My kids are different ages and therefore they practice at different times with their appropriate age groups. Carpooling is just one more thing that has taken over my life today and been a frustration that keeps me from my work.
Around noonish my husband, seeing the sour scowl upon my face, bravely approached me in my office and suggested that we have a picnic out on the patio. "It is kind of cloudy, I glumly responded". I wasn't seeing any good in anything at that point! But, he cajoled me into taking a break. It was nice sitting there on the patio and I got to rant about my all the things that were irritating me. I was still feeling a little cranky when I mentioned to my husband that our friend Barbara had invited us to attend her wedding in Italy in September. I really expected him to start listing all the reasons why it would be unlikely that we would be able to go this September.... But, he surprised me and said...maybe we should and could go! Well, the sun came out at that point...and we started to talk about the possibility. We will see. Work is going well for both of us and if we finish up the quarter on a high note perhaps we just might! But, what fun to think that we could. Maybe, Gherardo, you will see us once again, at the Moscadella. All of a sudden my day just got so much better!
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