Help! I've fallen into the internet and I can't get out!
I'm doing it again. I'm being sucked into the internet and I can't get out. Yesterday I entered the black hole of the internet and was afraid I wouldn't find my way back home again. Just to prove to myself that I wasn't entirely addicted, I did take some time out to talk with my kids, while eating a reheated quische, that a dear friend had brought over for dinner the other night. She had made one for me before, but her husband ended up eating it all. She felt so bad about it, that the other night she showed up on my doorstep unexpectedly with a steaming, killer mushroom quische in hand. Thank you Devi Rao for you spontaneity and your overwhelming kindness, especially on a day when I had no time to cook! The quische and the kids didn't separate me for long from the computer, and I was right back at it again, with the pretense that I just was going to check a couple of emails. Well, you know how that email leads to another, and another, and then you just have to stop by and check in with this or that chat group...and then, oh, what the heck, let's look at some blogs... well, as long as I'm here on my blog spot, maybe I'll post a photo...that done, now, let's see what's going on in my friend's lives...okay, now let's see what's happening to random strangers...well, I might as well leave a comment on this spot, after all, I just learned how you make your very own drag queen name (you put the name of your first pet together with the name of the street where you grew up...that would make me "Whimsy Summit", which I thought was pretty hilarious!) So, I'm blogging away and then I look at the clock on the computer screen and I realize it's getting late, and I'm missing my 11:00 showing of Will and Grace...that's okay, I think, it comes on again at 11:30, always a double feature. At 11:45 I finally mangaged to disengage myself from the was tough going, but the thought of a glass of wine and seeing the last ten minutes of Will and Grace finally got me extricated from the internet...but, surprise, I am again today. It's only been nine hours and I'm back on the internet. Every time I think I'm out, it keeps pulling me back in!
...but how can you possibly survive the weekends? (spoken incredulously, like the true depraved addict that I am!)
Oh my gosh, I can totally relate (I type as I lounge on the couch with the computer on my lap surfing away!!!).
Oh, and if I were a drag queen, my name would be Cocoa Lenape.
Oh my gosh, I can totally relate (I type as I lounge on the couch with the computer on my lap surfing away!!!).
Oh, and if I were a drag queen, my name would be Cocoa Lenape.
--Mindy know what i'll say to this- i still think we should check-in Bloggers Anonymous. had i not got a job in time, i'll be blogging 3-4 hours straight everyday. blogging is extremely time-consuming, esp if you're a serious blogger.
i use to think that all those people hooked onto the net are big nerds without a life...who would have known, i became one. geez
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