Count down to Christmas
It is December 1st and despite the fact that the count down to Christmas is on in a big way, I am not feeling that particularly festive. It is raining today and I have a post-Thanksgiving cold. I probably have a touch of the flu that kept Michael home from school on Monday. Pat is traveling and won't be home until Friday night.
To make things even merrier, we are having work done on the boy's bathroom. Seems the shower door has been leaking and over time water has seeped into the floor and the ceiling below. We have a contractor who is ripping up the floor, installing a new shower and putting in new drywall. Didn't really want to spend money on improving the boy's bath...but, on the other hand didn't really have much of a choice unless we wanted the bathtub to fall on top of my husband's head in the office below!
Since we are having work done and there is a contractor lurking about the house, we have opted to upgrade all the toilets in the house. The ones that came with the house have always been a bit sub optimal and continually clog up. The contractor assures us that the ones we are installing are capable of flushing 27 golf balls! My challenge now is keeping the boys from testing this out! Anyway, ho ho ho, Merry Christmas...guess this is Pat and my Christmas gift to each other...nothing says Christmas like new toilets! So, what is on your Christmas list?
Nothing says Christmas like new toilets.....that made me chuckle! :-) Our gift to each other will likely be a new digital camera - just what we need, another toy! But at least this one will be useful to me too (unlike the iPod and the Mac G5!).
Mindy, Mindy, Mindy....Now what can't you find to love about an i-pod or a G5!?!?!?! I would be lost without either! What little girl or boy wouldn't want to find one or the other under their tree this year??!?! : )
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