Photos of lovely women
I have an old album that my father gave to me that contains photos of my grandmother when she was a teenager. I love to look through this book of faded pictures. It is filled with images of young people having fun at house parties and dressed up in home made costumes playing charades. There are Atlantic City boardwalk scenes and photos of striking young women with great big hats and hour glass figures. I get lost in these images and wonder about a time gone by. To think that the babies in these photos being cuddled by adoring men in starched shirts and women in taffeta, are now in their eighties and nineties, is mind boggling. Youth captured forever in a single photo, timeless and irresistable. I wish I could go back and meet these people and be a part of their era for just a moment. I am filled with nostelgia and longing. I wish I could have known my grandmothers when they were young and just starting out on their journies. What lovely women they were.
My grandmother Geneva holding my uncle. I love the cupid doll sitting on the piano.
My grandmother Edie on her graduation day from Swarthmore College. I keep this picture on my nightstand.
Nice blog. I believe you resemble your grandmother. :-)
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