What if god were one of us?
I really like the song "What if god were one of us" by Joan Osborne. I like it so much that I just downloaded it from i-tunes so that I can add it to my personal collection. "What if god were one of us, Just a slob like one of us, just a stranger on the bus trying to make his way home." I relate to this idea and it resonates clearly with me. The idea that god is not a stranger or a fearsome distant entity, judging from a far makes sense to me. I like the idea that god is near at hand and that each of us has a spark of divinity within. I was raised in the Quaker religion and was always taught to believe that god dwells within each of us making each of us unique and special. The trick is to be able to tune out other voices and be able to listen to that still quiet voice of reason and inspiration. When I was young, church for me did not mean organ music, reciting prayers, collection plates, standing up, sitting down and standing up again and tuning into one grand voice that spoke to all. For me, church was sitting quietly in someone's living room amongst a small circle of friends. It was quiet meditation. It was hearing a bird chirping at the window sill, or the humming of a lawn mower in the field across the way or the grumbling of someone's stomach. It was settling down, stilling the fidgeting and letting the clutter fall away. And then, it was suddenly realizing that by quieting all other distractions, out of the silence came the ability to hear and listen to the inner voice that resides within. A voice that only I could channel and bring forth. A voice that counseled. A voice that inspired. A voice that energized. A voice that calmed. A voice that encouraged me to make good decisions. A voice that brought clarity. A voice that soothed. This idea that god is one of us, encourages a personal relationship. I like that. I think I'm going to listen to Joan's song a couple of more times today and then later, perhaps I will find some quiet and listen for my own inner voice as well.
Blog update...my husband just walked into my office and asked what the song was i was listening to and I said it is "what if god was one of us" and he said..."yeah, he is one of us and his name is Ryan (our older son) and he is teaching us patience. I kind of liked that.
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