Friday, March 11, 2005

Wildlife in the backyard

This morning I was sitting at the kitchen table, sipping my morning brew of green tea and talking with my husband, when out of the corner of my eye I saw a huge bird walking along the ledge of the patio. My husband said my jaw dropped and my eyes grew big as I stared out the window at what turned out to be a wild turkey parading through our back yard. We both jumped up and ran from window to window, as it strutted it's way across the patio and around to the side yard. I ran for the camera, but of course it was still attached to my computer from my last down load and the battery had died. I had to fiddle around with it and by the time it was functioning again, the opportunity and the bird had flown away.

On another ironic note, when I went out on the patio to retrieve the box of snail bait that I had left on the porch step, I found a snail firmly attached to one side as if hugging the box for dear life. This just goes to prove that the snails are multiplying, mounting forces and are sneakily making their advancement into my flower patches. I felt momentarily sorry for the poor little slug. In books and children's illustrations they can look so cute and innocent... but, in reality they are destructive, slimy, annoying, little creatures that are not welcome in my garden and I have heartlessly resolved to eliminate as many of them as possible. Sorry little snail, but, your days are numbered.


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