And it shall forever after be known as the great wine spill of '05
There I was, at 11:00pm, all snuggled in bed, after a very long and eventful day, ready for some relaxation with my book and a glass of wine before turning out the lights. I presented FAME again to the first and sixth graders all day, so the majority of my day was spent at the elementary school talking about Andrew Wyeth and his painting "The Chambered Nautilus". Recently I was asked to take on the responsibility of directing the entire FAME program (Fine Arts & Music Education), kind of a big responsibility, but I kind of saw it coming. I think I was a little too enthusiastic about being a docent and they all decided I would be a perfect candidate to shepherd the entire program from here on out. Kind of smart on the school's part too, seeing as Kyle is just in first grade and they have me locked in for another five years!
I needed a relaxing moment after the crazy day of FAME, swim lessons, grocery shopping, and a Tiger Scout meeting. We had an extremely informative Tiger scout meeting, by the way. Another mom decided to plan the entire meeting around snail knowledge and husbandry, and of all things and brought a tupperware container full of them so that the kids could look at them and see all their body parts. The only kid that wanted to bring his snail home, of course, was my son. He cried and cried when he realized that Fred, yes, he named his snail, would be let go into the wilds of the school yard. He bonded pretty quickly to Fred and continued to lament the fact that I wouldn't let him bring Fred home with us. After all, you have to understand that I hate snails and I have taken a solemn oath to erradicate them from my own back yard. I am never going to hear the end of this! Thanks a bunch Torrie!!!
Okay so there I was lying in bed with a big glass of red wine ready and waiting on my nightstand, a book in hand and my comfy pillows all around me. That's when I decided I had better set my alarm clock. Leaning over I grabbed the clock with one hand and inadvertantly knocked over the wine glass. Oh, I didn't just knock it over kind off, so that only a little dribble fell on to the cream colored carpeting. No, I knocked into it with such force, causing the wine glass to fall over spewing a thousand drops of wine across an expanse of five or six feet in a five foot radius. There was wine on the wall, wine on my books, but mostly wine across the entire bedroom carpet. I screamed my husband tells me, but he was playing a video game downstairs and didn't budge off the couch to come to my rescue. Hmmm, his lack of concern , now that I think about it seriously makes me wonder what would he have done had the situation been slightly more dire...say if someone had been trying to abduct me from the bedroom window or if I were having a heart attack. He would have entered the bedroom to either: a) find me not there or b) slumped over in bed expired...I bet he would have felt bad then!
Not to say my wine situation wasn't an extremely dire situation at was. It was horrible. The worst. I spent 45 minutes scrubbing away at the floor in my pajamas until the spots started to lighten. Now that it is over and done with, I have nothing but good things to say about "Wine Away" the bottle of Red Wine Stain Remover. It worked miracles and I highly recommend it as a product. I can verify that it really really works. I usually keep several bottles on hand, mostly because my husband has the greater tendency to splash wine on the carpet. But, not anymore. I may never live this down.
I have to say that, I really thought that this morning, I would have to call in the 911 emergency carpeting experts. But, surprisingly, the carpet looks pretty good (and probably is a lot cleaner than before I knocked over my glass of red wine!) Not quite the relaxing experience I was looking for last night around 11pm. But, after I got my spots out, I returned to the kitchen and poured myself another big glass of ruby red wine. The incident definitely has not deterred me from imbibbing my wine!
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