andddddd....we are still procrasting....
So, this is the part of the day, here in Melissa's world, that we call fun with scanning. I was standing in the check out line at the supermarket a couple of weeks ago and saw this great TV Guide cover. Normally, I never bother with TV guide, or even keep the guide that comes in the newspaper for that matter, because I am a random viewer and never need to have a schedule to tell me when or what I should be watching. But, I couldn't resist buying this particular TV Guide, because it had an ultra cool special effect cover that changes from Princess Leia to Padme. I wanted to see if I could scan the hologram. By scanning it upside down, sideways and rightside up I caught the images and the image as it transformed midway. Pretty cool, huh? Okay, already! I am going back to work.... right after I find some chocolate....
i really like like you manage to capture them, on a quite beyond me.
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