So you want to be rich and famous?
Used to be that fame and noteriety came about only through the traditional means of Hollywood, controversial books and rock bands. But these days it seems that people can be catapulted from total obscurity to stardom by means of reality tv, pod casts...and yes, now through blogging.
I discovered this just the other day. Oh, not to me personally be assured, but to another lucky soul, who it appears was born to blog and as a result is reaping great benefits and face recognition on the streets of New York city. Now as I was saying, I discovered this tid bit of news, as I was flipping through my Italian Gossip magazine (brought to me by my friend who was in Rome recently, just have to stay up with my blog guys!) Well, scattered in amidst the pictures of famous people, actresses and socialites in their bathing suites (for better or for worse) I came across an interesting article on blogging. But, fascinatingly enough, it wasn't an article about an Italian blogger, but an article in Italian, about a New Yorker by name of Stephanie Klein. The heading read: "Ciao, I am the most clicked on woman in the world."
Okay, it is pretty amazing that this woman's blog has not only become the most clicked on blog in America, but that she is now getting press in Italian magazines, just blows my mind. Her on-line journal called Greek Tragedy, is so popular, that it is being touted as Sex in the City chic and book publishing worthy. In fact, she actually HAS a book deal pending all based upon her little ol' blog. I couldn't resist. I had to google her blog and read a couple of her entries. And kind of like the celebs in their bathing suit, I found, for better or for worse, she more or less, lets everything hang out. No topic is tabu. I kind of decided I liked her when I read her comment "I hate when people use LOL". Makes me wince and cringe too, Stephanie.
So, I got to thinking, what would it be like to be catapulted to celebrity stardom based upon a blog. To have people recognize you on the street and have the paparazzi follow you and snap your picture...just because you write a blog? What would that feel like? Let's all take a moment shall we, and think about that....hmmmm, well, I guess I am pretty okay with my low, low profile status. Too much fauning and attention might make me fingers freeze up and paralyze my brain. On the other hand, all you fellow bloggers, we now have something to aspire to. May we all live long and prosper. And may the minutia and insights our blogs provide to the world bring us all fame, fortune and happiness. Maybe someday I too, will have an honorable mention in an Italian magazine....well, I am not about to go and hold my breath and turn blue, so don't worry!
Hi Melissa, I enjoyed this post.
Some of the local bloggers here did get very famous (with book deals too)...but for all the wrong reasons. One for instance, posted nude pictures of herself and the other shoots off her mouth and spews vulgarities on her blog and that got passed off as 'forthcoming'. I didnt like either of those. Not very tasteful things to do.
I would rather keep a low low profile blog and keep my own circle of dear fellow bloggers than to trade it for mass publication. some things are just better enjoyed, privately..i guess.
Hi Nat, good to see you! Yes, I agree. Some things are just better left private. I think that it is a little sensational and obnoxious to spread intensely intimate details about your life in any public forum. Some things shold be savored alone or between two people. There should be a space reserved, where the great big enormous world can take a hike and where it doesn't have to be privy to some thoughts and feelings.
There is a line of good taste that gets crossed by unabashedly sharing intimate personal information, pictures, or sexual details. But, then to claim, as some do, that by doing so, you are living life to the fullest and embracing all aspects of what it means to be human, seems to me, a little immature. Literally baring oneself for all to see after a while, just gets boring and seems shallow and somewhat desperate. While on the other hand, a little mystery and a little reticence goes a long way and just somehow seems the more intelligent choice.
Yes Melissa, I couldn't have explained it better. To reveal very personal information, or worse, nude pictures of oneself always sound like a cry for attention..and yes, they come across as desperate and shallow, no matter what reason they may give.
The more sophisticated thing to do here is to leave a little to the imagination :)
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