Saturday, August 13, 2005

Charmed lives

My friend Amy over at Amy's Alsakan Antics brought up an interesting point the other day in her blog. Is the grass always greener in someone else's blog? Do we really know what is going on with someone else or are they just telling us what they want us to know and keeping the sordid details a secret.

True, true. But, in my humble opinion, it seems that blogging, if you are being honest with yourself and what you post, is actually a great way of cutting to the chase and finding out what makes others tick. For me, it is a great place to air out things that are going around in my head; things that sometimes my friends I meet face to face might not even know about. So, in light of truth and are some recent charmed things to know about me.

I tried on a pair of my favorite Gap khakis back in May and was ticked that they were suddenly too tight. Ever since, I have been on a massive control diet. Doesn't seem fair to have to go through this with all the exercising I do. When you are in your forties, (there I said it!) your metabolism just doesn't operate the same as when you are in your twenties. Those were the days when I could consume an entire bag of oreos and not gain and ounce. Not so much anymore. Good news is that I have lost eight pounds but have reached a plateau...Drats!

Ryan tanked in trig last year. Yes, he failed the class. He needs to retake the class but couldn't do it this past summer because he told me about this way too late in the year. On top of that, his Spanish teacher is not keen on him going on to Spanish II...sooooo, I found a tutor and have been paying mega bucks for him to be ready to move on. Arghhhhhh! We are hoping that studying becomes more of a priority this year in school.

I am kind of ticked with my husband lately. We have a mutual standing agreement that whoever gets out of bed last in the morning makes the bed. But, recently he read an article that said if you make your bed right away, without airing it out, the likelyhood of incubating dust mites increases. All, well and good, but he now conveniently has stopped making the bed in the morning and now I have to do it even if I am the first one up.

Our best friend's dad died a few days before swim championships. We took care of all three of our friend's kids when they were in the hospital, while he was in a coma in the hospital. It was an emotionally rough time for us all, and the reason I was clerk of the course for Championships. I took over Stacy's responsibilities that day.

We went to Sonoma today for a fun getaway. Grandpa Jack is in town for the week and we thought it would be great to drive up to visit Chateau St. Jean, one of our favorite vineyards. I felt a bit queasy this morning before we left. I felt increasingly worse as the day wore on. That I had caught Kyle's flu bug was confirmed around 5:30 pm when I dashed out of the Kenwood Restaurant where we had stopped for dinner and proceeded to throw up in the parking lot. And NO, it was not from drinking wine. I had craddled Kyle in my arms just days before as he threw up all over the bathroom floor, conveniently missing the toilet! Such a charmed life I lead. : ) Excuse me as I run to the bathroom.....


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