Chia Day 11
I would have posted today's Chia picture sooner but I got caught up with work. I'm designing a logo for a woman who is starting a new business counseling kids on their college selections and advising highschoolers how to get into a good school. I have developed some interesting ideas and I think I am on the right track. I always get a vibe from my clients and seem to be able to discern what it is that they are looking for, based on how they present themselves and what their interests are. But, there is always that moment when I send a potential design out for consideration. I wait with anticipation to hear what the client's initial reaction will be. These are my ideas and I want them to be well received. I was reading a blog by Janet and I like her confidence when she is faced with this situation. She wrote in her blog So Will She Like it or Not? "Now, will she like it? I think she will. I think she'll say, "Janet, you've done it again! Let's just change this, that and the other thing." But overall she'll like it." For the most part that is the kind of reaction I usually get. But, like Janet, I'm a big girl, and if it isn't what she wants, given feedback I will change it so that she does.
I have always been pretty fortunate when it comes to clients. For the most part they are all very interesting people with interesting careers. They are easy to work with and pay on time and generally become friends. For instance, just last Saturday evening the whole family had dinner at Dorrie and Steve's house, two clients, each for whom I work for. Once upon a time, however, there was this one client, whom shall remain nameless but I will refer to her as "the dog lady", who proved to be a bit of a nut. She asked me to design a logo for her dog grooming business. The fact that she was going through a messy divorce, and that she appeared for our first client meeting with her Jack Russell terrior in her arms and then proceeded to break into tears as she spoke of her dog, should have given me my first clue that this was to be a difficult client. In the end, things worked out just fine.
So, let's see, work held up this posting, and then I had to run my kids over to Chuck E. Cheeses for a B-day party. Who ever came up with the concept of Chuck E. Cheese? I would like to personally examine their brain. What were they thinking? A nightmarish place for parents. A wasteland of unbridled caos and confusion. Immediately upon entering, I become claustraphobic and panic that the exits will seal shut and there will be no escaping. Once I locate one child, the other disappears into the maze of endless tubing, pinball machines and the never ending sea of small children with runny noses and I fear I may never see MY child again. As much as a trip to Chuckie's causes me to break out in hives and migrains, it proves to be a garden of earthly delights for my kids. My six year old keeps asking me when we can have his b-day party at Chuckie's and I'm starting to run out of excuses! Thankfully, that is a bridge that doesn't need to be crossed until May!
And now, finally, back to the star of this blog...the Chia Pet. Day 11 and looking fine!

Hope your client loves the design!
I can't stand Chuck E.'s place either. But we did do our daughter's last birthday party there and it certainly was easy.
And by the way, I've decided to ask for a chia pet for Mother's day. I'm having fun watching yours grow.
Ch Ch Ch Cheee-Ah!
Looking good! Good luck with coming up with A Chuck-E Cheese Alternative. I fortunatly live in the land not yet spoiled by CEC. How lucky am I?
Good luck with the new logo. Scott Adams once said that Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes, but Art is knowing which to keep. Hope that your clients appreciate your work!
can i just say that your boy has a really cute hairdo? the salon where he got his hair cut, do they use bowls?
blog update: client loves logo, Chia pet still growing, all the kids love short short shaves - go figure!
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