Zola Açai

Okay, everyone say it with me now! Zola A-Sci-EEEEE!
Now that you know how to pronounce it, let me tell you about the Brazilian power berry juice that we are crazy about. First off, you should know that my husband is the CEO of the small start up beverage company that makes Zola Açaí, and I help out with graphic design projects for the company. For example, here is the brand new 12-pack case package that I designed this summer. Isn't it pretty! It was unveiled last week and was a hit at the food trade show in Washington D.C.
We have been working on Zola for two years now, along with Chris Cuvelier and his wife Jacquie and a handful of other dedicated Açaí

We first got involved in the Zola world, when my husband was asked to step in as a consultant and help the company through the pangs of child birth. As it is a start up company, it has suffered the ups and downs, that all new businesses are challenged by, and yet it has succeeded remarkedly well. Originally, Zola Açaí was the brain child of Chris Cuvelier. He is this amazing guy full of carisma, energy and bright ideas. My kids love the drink almost as much as they love Chris. They refer to him as "Buff Fashion Dude" as he exudes a hip and happening energy.
Once when we were all together in Tahoe, we helped Chris sample Zola on the slopes of NorthStar. We set up tables in the middle of the NorthStar village and handed out drinks to all the skiiers coming off the slopes. That winter, Zola was named the official drink of Squaw Valley. Our kids have also done their part to promote Zola. On their own, they have made Zola the official drink of the swim team and the traveling soccer team! The soccer players chant "Zola, Zola, Zola" at half time. They think it is a great energy source to urge them on to victory during the second half!
We are all pretty excited about all the new successes that Zola is starting to have. We are getting a wider distribution, and soon the drink will be available at Costco. You can always get it on line at www.zolaacai.com. (I also did the web site, thank you very much!) Drink! Enjoy! Be healthy! Get some Zola today!