A very weird week

We have had a very weird week, to say the least... full of thrills and chills and yes, sadly a few tears.
It started off last Friday when I received a phone call from my husband who was traveling home from Connecticut to California. He called to tell me that his airplane take off was aborted due to a fire in the engine. They were barreling down the run way, practically nose off the ground, when the flight was scrapped. He was poised ready to open the emergency exit door, but luckily it didn't come to that. Just glad the situation was discovered before the plane was in the air! It took him an extra 5-1/2 hours to re-rout his flight plan and arrive home safe and sound that night.
Sunday, as we were coming home from a soccer game in Antioch, a mis-guided hawk decided to make direct contact with our windshield. We were taking back roads through the rolling California hills, just enjoying the views, when this drunken bird swooped closer and closer to our car. Unfortunately for him and for us, it never pulled up and as a result made dramatic contact with our poor car. All, I can say is, thank god for safety glass, it really works!
Tuesday I discovered that my youngest son, Kyle, is allergic to dogs. This is a bit of a tragedy for us as we have recently acquired a new beagle. The saddest thing of all is that we acquired him mainly for Kyle's sake! If you were to have a dog, this is the sweetest best dog that you could ever imagine owning. After Kyle complained of very itchy eyes the other day, to be on the safe side and rule out the dog, I took him to the allergist. Before going, I joked with my husband, "wouldn't it be funny if he were allergic to the dog?" Not so funny any more. Many tears were shed at the allergists, as Kyle sobbed that he couldn't believe he is allergic to his dog and that he didn't want to give him up. I am a wreck and not sure quite what is best...get rid of the dog to protect my child's health or keep the dog and nurture his emotional well being. Dilemma, dilemma. We are keeping are fingers crossed and hoping that the allergy is mild. So far so good, Kyle hasn't had itchy eyes since we visited the doctors and it seems that if he keeps fingers and hands clean he feels fine...we shall see.
I'm almost afraid of what tomorrow has in store for me...I don't think I can take any more surprises.